Hiking on Mont Chauve Trekking to Saut Grand Machikou

Day 1
Five years later and we are back at Rochambeau airport ready for a second expedition. Two helicopter trips take our team of six adventurers and two guides to Mont Chauve. From the sky we quickly spot that what used to be virgin forest a few years ago now looks like a Swiss cheese with illegal gold mines and great trails cut into it. But already our longed-for destination appears. After an easy landing we are relieved to see that the mountain at least is intact. The atmosphere does not disappoint with the stunning silence and oppressive heat. At the summit the new expedition members are having a hard time of it setting up camp as they don't know all their knots. Then everyone goes off exploring a bit and after a splendid sunset we meet up for a good Swiss fondue (well, out of the 8 of us 7 are Swiss after all). With our bellies pleasantly full we spend a calm night, almost too hot even. Day 2 Sunup is at six in the morning, and we rise with it. The immensity of the forest does not fail to impress us. Today, after a fairly steep descent from the top of the inselberg where we have been camping, we arrive at the edge of a little creek known as “Snaky Beach”. We spend the day appreciating the cool air and swimming in 10cm of water. On our way back up in the late afternoon we come across wasps, the first of many such experiences. Night falls. Our menu for the evening is wine, ti-punch, and pizza cooked directly on the rock. Days 3 and 4

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